Our Services

Mobile & App Games

Data Challenges of
gaming studios & publishers

  • How to build a single source of truth and be able to take right decisions?
  • Online data platforms usually  shows only partial information, and you can never be sure what is really correct.
  • Having multiple data sources and tools with different data takes time to reconcile facts.
  • All of this does not help in running a data-driven business.

Measure properly UA activities and app KPIs

Build fully customised dashboards with the required level of granularity:

date, country, UA network, campaign, creative, operating system, app version and required KPIs (e.g. ROAS, ARPDAU, ARPU, LTV, cash flows, CPI, eCPI, IMP DAU, Retention, in app purchase )

Know your users and their behaviour

Understand and measure your players behaviour.

Behavioural analysis of users tailored to the characteristics of the application (e.g. monitoring player activity, resources, levels achieved, virtual economy management, etc.)

Make business management effective

Use data from different sources. Use your own data platform, be owner of your data and keep it scalable and effective.

Have access to user level live data, without any lag and build your competitive advantage based on that.


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The website administrator is Alterdata.io sp. z o.o. headquartered in Warsaw at the address Domaniewska 47/10, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs under the KRS number: 0000672717, for which the registration files are kept by the District Court in Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division, with taxpayer indentification numbers: 521-377-59-57, REGON: 36700511900000.

® 2023 alterdata.io